Extended Product Warranty

Protect your investment with the Aspen Extended Product Warranty.

The Extended Product Warranty lengthens Aspen Avionics’ industry leading, no-nonsense product warranty for two years from the expiration of the original factory limited warranty or previous extended product warranty, and is available from any Aspen authorized dealer. The Extended Product Warranty covers the Evolution Flight Display System for component repair, rebuild, or replacement with a rebuilt unit, with special pricing options for multi-display installations.

Evolution Flight Display owners have the option to purchase the two-year extended product warranty any time before their existing warranty expires.

Out of Warranty Options

Coverage Information

Aspen Avionics will provide affordable options for customers whose warranty has lapsed and who choose not to participate in the Extended Product Warranty program.

Non-Warrantied Rebuild Pricing (Six-month warranty):

Flat Rate Rebuild for the E5 EFI and MAX Displays


Flat Rate Rebuild for Class 3 and Helicopter Displays


Flat Rate Rebuild for Legacy EFD1000 Pro PFD 


Non-Warrantied Exchange Pricing (One-year warranty):

Legacy (non-MAX) Multi-function MFD1000 Display and Primary Flight Display


Evolution MAX Displays Pro MAX PFD and MFD1000 Multi-function Display)


Class 3 and Helicopter Displays




Legacy (non-MAX)  MFD500 Multi-function Display



Pricing Information

The Extended Product Warranty program provides two-year coverage.

Single-display extended warranty: $995 for two years

Dual-display extended warranty: $1,295 for two years

Three-display extended warranty: covered at no additional charge under the Dual-display extended warranty plan


The application must be submitted through your authorized Aspen dealer.